Friday, March 30, 2012

Goodbye New Zealand

After leaving the Golden Shears we drove as quickly as we could to Auckland and began preparing to sell our car. Just after pulling up to a cleaning station our car was backed into by a truck and our plan went out the window. It was not our fault, but our insurance had run out the day before so we had to deal with the situation directly. We spent our remaining time in Auckland walking Ponsonby Road and Queen Street, checking out the fancy boats in the harbor for the Volvo Ocean Race and visiting the Sky Tower to get a nighttime view of the city.

Thankfully the family we had stayed with at the start of our trip was willing to have us visit again so we headed out to their house. Being back there felt like being home with family and we quickly settled back in to farm life. They set us up with a repair shop for our car and we helped out around the farm. During the first couple of weeks the weather was rainy so we stayed around the house and took the children to Kelly Tarlton’s (an aquarium in Auckland). The last week was spent working on a new garage and getting our things packed.

After 19,000 kilometers of driving, multiple boat rides, around 1,000 kilometers of walking (including nine great walks), a couple of pairs of shoes and making some incredible friends it was sad to say goodbye to New Zealand. We are already planning our trip back.

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