Monday, September 12, 2011

Saying Goodbye

The best part of traveling is meeting amazing people and forming friendships that will last for the rest of your life. The worst part of traveling is saying goodbye after you have made those connections.

We arrived in New Zealand 5 short months ago and within the first couple of weeks we were introduced to the ranch that would be our home for the next 4+ months. We were excited to meet new people and experience things that were outside of our comfort zone, but we did not expect to be so readily accepted at our home away from home. It was incredible how quickly we became a part of the family and the neighborhood.

Our time on the ranch has been everything that we hoped it could be. We have learned a lot and experienced things that we could not have experienced anywhere else. Jenni helped with the children, the cleaning and even did a little bit of work with the lambs. I mainly worked on a bus that was being converted into a motor home and building a new house. We also visited the nearby beaches and were introduced to all the local spots around Northwest Auckland. Even though we are excited to continue our travels in New Zealand, we are sad to be leaving such a wonderful place.

P.S. We watch the opening ceremonies for the rugby world cup from the top of the ranch. Much of New Zealand is now wrapped up in rugby hysteria.

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